GHVS Voice Studio

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Gabrielle Horvitz focuses on voice techniques which include: body alignment, breathing, phonation, resonation, articulation, audiation, register transitions and range extension. Repertoire development and choosing the correct song for the student’s voice, personality and performance skills are emphasized for stage presence, fear management, audition mastery, mic technique and story development. She encourages students to think outside of the box, take risks and to be performers at their own level while always raising the bar within themselves.
Gabrielle Horvitz Voice Studio attracts ambitious, hard working, disciplined students young and old. Her students vary from 7 year old enthusiastic young singers wanting to take their first foot onstage to those auditioning and choosing voice as a career path. Gabrielle’s private students have competed in the The Hal Leonard Cooperation Vocal Competition and have placed as finalists over the years. Gabrielle’s students have also been accepted into All State, and All South Jersey Choirs, receiving roles in their schools musicals, as well as high school audition based choruses. Students at GHVS are provided with many opportunities to perform. Gabrielle’s students also go off to prestige theater or performing arts camps over the summer to focus more on their craft including, French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts, Westminster Choir College Camps, Voorhees Theatre Company Camp and Appel Farms. All students who have prepared for success are invited to perform in a yearly recital in the Spring. Gabrielle encourages students to share their gifts with the community and thrive on performing as much as possible because it only improvrs them as performers. .